AI Captain

17 March 2022

Restaurant Jerom, Antwerp

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Together with IBM we hosted this insightful roundtable together with Data Scientists and AI and Innovation Leaders. We hope all of our attendees enjoyed the presentations as much as we did - it was fantastic to participate in this high-level conversation on the challenges of data and AI. If you missed this meeting or just want to see the presentations again in more detail, you can find below the slides used by our speakers:



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Dimitar Yaprakov                                                                                    
Lead Data Scientist                                                                           

Download the presentation 




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Luc Goossens                                                                                     
Technical Sales Leader Data and AI and Cognitive Solutions                                                                            

Download the presentation 


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Koenraad de Cock                                                                                    
Data Science Solution Specialist                                                                            

Download the presentation 


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Vincent Nelis                                                                                    
Data Science & AI Elite Team                                                                         

Download the presentation 

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