Stijn Lenjou has worked for 14 years in management in the European Funds, with the main aim to facilitate all actors evenly in coping with the unimaginable complex world of EU-funding.
83 minutes
Head of European Funds Unit, Federal Public Service Home Affairs of Belgium
Davor Brajanoski possesses extensive experience in the delivery of large-scale solutions across 18 years of experience in the field of automation in particular, leading via data-driven, results-focused approach and heading the automation practice for BeNeLux market.
83 minutes
Cognitive Process Automation Market Lead Belgium & Luxemburg, IBM
Yannis wrote his first lines of Basic code on a Sinclair ZX-81 at age 7, and never dropped his fascination for having machines doing the job ever since.
Yannis has led Digital Transformation services for 20 years, starting with his own company in 1993, joined Xerox, Fujitsu, and CSC/DXC, in various roles of Head of, managing consultant, program manager, and solution architect.
For 8 years, in IBM, has Yannis lead the “Enterprise” segment in Belgium for the resulting Digital Business Automation software unit.
83 minutes
Business Automation Strategic Accounts Segment Leader, IBM
90 minutes
Director & Founder, CorporateLeaders