Leveraging Automation to Emerge Smarter

27 May 15:30 - 17:00

Virtual meeting

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Leveraging Automation to Emerge Smarter

Intelligent automation changes the way enterprises operate by using advances in technology to optimize processes, personalize customer experiences, enhance decision-making, and reduce risk.  

Business leaders can take proactive action before a risk becomes a problem. For example, CFOs need to know the company's working capital and how to optimize it. Through intelligent workflows, they can transform operational cost structures and unlock cash by improving accounts receivables to collect better or improve their accounts payable to pay better.  

Forward-looking enterprises use automation to augment their core strengths, supplement their weaknesses and empower their people to focus on what’s important. Even simple forms of automation have a significant impact, delivering cost savings of up to 75% on repetitive tasks by eliminating errors, reducing bias and performing transactional work in a fraction of the time it takes a human.1

But where do you start? How do you identify processes and workflows that are ideal for automation and move beyond costs to become an agile organization? To address this, CorporateLeaders and IBM are hosting an intimate and interactive peer-to-peer virtual roundtable discussion for up to 15 FinanceOperationsDigital, Automation and Transformation Leaders. 

During this meeting, our keynote speaker Stijn Lenjou, Head of European Funds Unit, Federal Public Service Home Affairs of Belgium, (FOD Binnenlandse Zaken/ SPF Intérieur) and experts from IBM will discuss:  

  • How do you identify processes and workflows that are ideal for automation and move beyond costs to become an agile organization?
  • How do you scale automation, and what are the main challenges and drivers to scale?
  • How do you leverage agile to drive transformation forward in a process-driven organization?

[1] “Definition and Benefits.” Institute of Robotic Process Automation & Artificial Intelligence



3 minutes


20 minutes

Stijn Lenjou
Head of European Funds Unit
Federal Public Service Home Affairs of Belgium

20 minutes

Davor Brajanoski
Cognitive Process Automation Market Lead Belgium & Luxemburg

Yannis Nakos
Business Automation Strategic Accounts Segment Leader

45 minutes

Round table discussion

2 minutes

End of event

Reasons to attend


Leveraging Automation to Emerge Smarter

Blogs and Insights

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