The Role of HR in Business Continuity

Virtual Meeting

16th June 16:00 - 17:00


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The Role Of HR In Business Continuity –
Dealing With Change And Uncertainty

As companies navigate through change, HR is confronted with multiple challenges; From supporting the workforce, ensuring continued timely payment while simultaneously looking ahead to how processes need to be adapted.

Payroll may not seem an obvious component of your business continuity plans, as ensuring the safety and wellbeing of your employees is essential. Still, the demands on HR leaders and business partners to do so will increase - From adapting and managing a remote workforce, building morale and protecting people’s health to implementing new government legislation.

To help you, your teams and companies manage the change to cope with the current situation, CorporateLeaders in partnership with ADP is hosting a 60-minute virtual meeting to discuss the role HR can play in dealing with the uncertainty that lies ahead. The interactive discussion led by Susanne Nickel, an expert in change management and innovative leadership and Miriam Brunner, ADP, will provide insights on:

  • Flexibility to implement plans and legislation for different scenarios at speed
  • Adapting to and managing change in uncertain times
  • The psychology of change
  • Planning for recovery and implementing it
  • The opportunity for HR to step to the forefront and support business continuity plans



5 minutes


45 minutes

Presentation and round table discussion

The Role of HR in Business Continuity – How can HR deal with Change and Uncertainty?

10 minutes

Q&A with experts

0 minutes

End of event

Reasons to attend


The Role of HR
in Business Continuity

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